17.03.2022Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam

Skin whitening pills

TZS 80 000


GLUTATHIONE is growing in popularity for its health and skin benefits, especially skin whitening, which many people are taking advantage of, and getting amazing results. One of the Reasons being it's high safety profile (no side effects). It works from inside out, so evens out complexion (no knuckles, freckles, patches). Faida zake ◾️Unakuwa mweupe mwili mzima bila sugu wala michirizi ◾️Ni Antioxidants nzuri inasaidia ngozi kuglow na kukukinga na sunburns ◾️Ngozi inaglow kama mtoto mdogo very soft ◾️Inazuia ngozi kutozeeka mapema ◾️inasaidia ukuaji wa nywele na kucha pia Haina Madhara kabisa inatumiwa na wanawake na wanaume Acha kutumia Mikorogo mikali inaharibu ngozi yako We deliver worldwide

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