Welcome to Daref Company, located in Arusha-Ngulelo, Now we have further improved our services. We now provide day workers housemaids for Arusha city residents. All of our employees work under the supervision of the company to ensure their responsibility and the safety of the client family and their property, as well as the employee's safety in the workplace. The system also aims to relieve our customers from employee emergency challenges that can hinder a maid's ability to report to work. Once such a challenge arises, management arranges for another employee to come and work. We have experienced staff who know what they are supposed to do. We promise to work with you to ensure that you get the best service. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karibu Kampuni ya Daref iliyoko Arusha - ngulelo, Sasa tumeboresha zaidi huduma zetu, Tunatoa huduma ya wafanyakazi wa ndani wa kwenda na kurudi kwa wakazi wa jiji la Arusha. Wafanyakazi wetu wote wanafanya kazi chini ya uratibu wa ofisi ili kuhakikisha usalama wa mteja na mali zake na pia usalama wa mfanyakazi katika sehemu yakazi. Mfumo huu pia umelenga kuwaondolea wateja wetu changamoto za mfanyakazi kuwa na dharura na hata kushindwa kufika sehemu ya kazi siku hiyo ambapo inapotokea changamoto yoyote inayofanana na hizo, management humpangia mfanyakazi mwingine kuja kufanya kazi nyumbani kwako na pindi aliekuwepo anapomaliza maswala yake hurejea kuendelea na kazi. Tunawafanyakazi wenye uzoefu na wanaojua nini wanahitajika kufanya ingawa changamoto za hapa na pale haziwezi kukosekana. Tunaahidi kushirikiana nawe kuhakikisha kuwa unapata huduma bora yenye dhamani ya pesa yako. Kwa maelezo zaidi usisite kuwasiliana nasi